Private School Fund

About the School Fund

Brockwell Nursery and Infant School is a local authority maintained school, and receives the majority of its funding from the local authority.  Schools can also generate their own income, for example from fundraising activities held throughout the year.  This income is kept separately from the local authority funding, and is known as the Private School Fund.  

All monies within the Private School Fund are kept in a separate bank account and are the responsibility of the school Governing Body, with operational responsibility passed to the Headteacher.  As with public funds, the Private School Fund is subject to financial controls, and schools have a duty to make sure that accurate financial records are kept, and that the fund is audited annually by an independent auditor.  

Annual audit

The Private School Fund is audited annually by an external party in accordance with the Derbyshire County Council Scheme for Financing Schools.  As contributors towards the Private School Fund, parents are entitled to view the audited private fund account.  Anyone wishing to do so should contact the school office.   

What the school fund is used for

The Private School Fund is used to provide extra resources, activities and equipment for the children, that we would otherwise not be able to buy. It plays a vital part in financing the enrichment activities offered by the school. Some examples are:

  • Visiting theatre companies 
  • Enhancing our outdoor spaces through financing play equipment such as the castle
  • Buying equipment and supporting the growth of our Forest School
  • Financing guests and resources for our curriculum themed weeks
  • And made a HUGE contribution to the new shelter for Year 1 and 2 

Our newest project has been the development of the under classroom store into a useable space for clubs and group activities.