Safeguarding Contact Information
We all play our part in keeping our children safe.
If anyone has a concern regarding the safety or wellbeing of a child please find below relevant contact details for any Safeguarding concerns:
Brockwell Nursery and Infant School:
Safeguarding Lead: Philippa Smith (Head Teacher 01246 232034)
Deputy DSL: Karena Moor (Deputy Head Teacher - 01246 232034)
Deputy DSL: Laura Mellor (Senior Teacher - 01246 232034)
Safeguarding Governor: Clare Farmer & Charlotte Taylor
Anti-bullying Champion Governors: Nicola Hatton & Ruth Davison
Chair of Governor: Clare Farmer
Online Safety Lead: Zac Booles (IT Co-ordinator - 01246 232 034)
If at any point you or your child want to speak to the school about behaviour or bullying, our anti-bullying co-ordinator is Philippa Smith.
Safeguarding Leaflet for children.
Speak Out Stay Safe Certificate
Derbyshire County Council:
LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer - Miles Dent (Tel: 01629 531940)
Starting Point : 01629 533 190 (
Derbyshire Safeguarding Childrens Board -
DCC Child Protection/ Safeguarding Team: 01629 532178
Derbyshire Police 101- can route non urgent referrals through to the PREVENT Team
If you have concern about the immediate safety of a child, or concern out of school hours you should contact Derbyshire County Councils Starting Point on 01629 533190 or email on
Stopping Domestic Abuse Together (SDAT) is an initiative led by Derbyshire Police in conjunction with Social Services, Health Services, schools and other agencies, who work together to safeguard children and adults.
Domestic Abuse can encompass but is not limited to the following types of abuse:
- Psychological
- Physical
- Sexual
- Financial
- Emotional
Children and young people witnessing domestic abuse
Witnessing domestic abuse is really distressing and scary and it causes serious harm to children.
Children who witness domestic abuse can experience a wide range effects. They may:
- Become anxious and depressed
- Have difficulty sleeping or have nightmares
- Be easily startled, flinch or react disproportionately to loud noises
- Complain of physical symptoms such as tummy ache
- Start wetting the bed
- Have temper tantrums and display challenging behaviour at school
- Behave younger than they are
- Not want to go to school
- Become aggressive towards others
- Have poor self-worth
- Self-harm
- Have difficulty forming positive relationships
They may feel:
- Guilty - because they think they have done something wrong
- Powerless - because they can't stop the violence
- Confused - because it doesn't make sense
- Angry - because it shouldn't be happening
- Sad - because it's a loss
- Afraid - because they may be hurt, they may lose someone they love, others may find out
- Alone - because they think it is only happening to them
What is SDAT?
SDAT is an early notification system to schools to quickly notify them of any incidents of domestic abuse where the Police have attended a household where children live.
This enables schools to understand changes in a child's behaviour, attitude or general presentation and to support children if needed.
Where to find help and support
Derbyshire Domestic Abuse Support Line - 08000 198 668
The support line is the single point of access to all of the commissioned domestic abuse support services in the County. The line, which is delivered by Action Housing, is staffed by trained domestic abuse workers between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday.
Children Missing from Education:
It is important that parents keep the Head Teacher informed when they are considering changing schools, as we have a duty to inform the Authority of any child that we believe has left our school and has not provided forwarding information on their destination and education provision.
If we are unable to establish your child’s new school, we would have to refer them as a missing child to Education Welfare Services.
As a result, your child’s name may be kept on a missing register and efforts will be made to trace them. It is also important to know about a new school so that we can send on your child’s records. At the point when you have decided to change school, please ask the school office for a Pupil Exit Form.
If you are concerned that the details of your destination should not be shared with anyone but the Head Teacher, please discuss this with her. She will be able to ensure that access to your new address details is restricted appropriately.
Please find Brockwell Nursery and Infant School's early help offer here.
Early Help Advisers have compiled information if you find yourself or your family in need of support. Please click here for this information.