Wraparound Care

Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club runs every morning during term time from 7.45 - 8.45 am, at a cost of £4 per child per day. It is run by fully qualified childcare staff who also work within the school setting which helps the children feel more at ease and is also reassuring to parents that they know who is caring for their children. 

Safeguarding, as always is paramount and we have procedures in place to protect your children and keep them safe. If your child is not able to attend a booked session, please ring school by 8.20 am, on that day, to let us know they will not be here.

The children are offered a breakfast of cereal and a drink of milk, juice or water. A range of activities are provided for the children to keep them busy before the school day begins. We ask that children are here by 8.20 am at the latest if they require breakfast.

At the end of Breakfast Club (8.45 am) the children are taken to class by the staff running the club, this gives parents the reassurance that the children are being safely handed over to their class teachers ready for the school day to begin.

Booking is via Parentpay. Booking Guide

Breakfast Club Terms & Conditions


After School Childcare Club 

The After School Club will run every day during term time. Parents can choose from either a half session (3.20 - 4.20pm or 4.20-5.20pm after an activity club) at a cost of £4 per child per day or a full session (3.20 -5.20pm) at a cost of £8 per day. It is run by fully qualified childcare staff who also work within the school setting which helps the children feel more at ease and is also reassuring to parents that they know who is caring for their children. 

The children will be offered a drink and snack and a range of activities will be provided for the children to keep them happy and busy during the club. 

At the end of After School Club the children will be collected by a named adult, if this is not a parent this information must be given in advance to the school office as safeguarding is our priority.

Booking is via Parentpay. Booking Guide

After School Club Terms & Conditions

Local Childminders

List of local childminders