
We are the Nursery.  In Nursery we have lots of fun playing and learning. We do this inside or outside in our very own playground.

 Mrs Moore

Deputy Head Teacher







 Mrs Anne-Marie Leaman









Mrs Tweedy

Teaching Assistant



 Miss Yates

Teaching Assistant


Miss Buttery

Teaching Assistant 

Mrs Roebuck

Teaching Assistant 

Our Learning space

Our nursery is thoughtfully resourced and we provide daily learning opportunities both indoors or outdoors. Both of these areas are carefully planned for, to offer challenging, exciting and fun ways to learn.


During each session children have whole class teaching sessions, group activities, independent time, a snack and a story time. 

 Please see our Nursery Brochure for more details.

Session Times


Currently, we offer a mixture of  full-time and part-time places. Our part-time places are for three hours in the morning or in the afternoon making a total of fifteen hours a week whilst our full-time sessions are for six hours a day making a total of thirty hours a week. Those children attending full time are asked to bring a packed lunch.

Sessions run from

8.40 am -11.40 am in the morning

12.20 pm to 3.20 pm in the afternoon

Full time 9.10 am - 3.10 pm ( with the option of a paid early drop off at 8.45 am)

 We accept privately funded children and those using the additional fifteen hours childcare scheme for our full-time places.

 For further information please contact the school office: 01246 232 034