Meet our Governing Board
Welcome to the Governor section of Brockwell Nursery and Infant School.
The Governing Body works hard to support the school in ensuring the children are ‘caring ang sharing, happy and helpful being the best that they can be’. We strive for every pupil to achieve their best and support all the staff who work with them to do this.
The core functions of the Governing Body:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance of staff
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
The Governing Body is fully aware of its responsibility with regard to pupil safety and wellbeing through varied Department for Education and Local Authority policies. Governors attend appropriate training to ensure they are compliant with the latest Safeguarding requirements.
The school is governed in accordance with the legal requirements for a community school by a Governing Body of up to 12 governors.
These include:
- Parent Governors (elected by the parents)
- Local Authority Governors (nominated by the Local Authority)
- Staff Governors (elected by the school staff)
- Co-opted Governors (invited by the Governing Body)
The full Governing Body meets at least termly. In addition, there are School Improvement, Health and Safety ad Finance Pay and Personnel sub-committees. The Governing Body is responsible, in consultation with the Headteacher, for the conduct and curriculum of the school, standards and achievements of the school and other matters relating to the way in which the school is directed and managed.
Nominated link Governors liaise, with curriculum co-ordinators. Reports from these Governors are presented at the full Governing Body meetings.
Governors are welcome to school events and Parent/Teacher events and meet with children and staff to review School Improvement Priorities. The Governing Body is fully committed to supporting the school and encourages all parents and carers to liaise with the Governing Body, the school staff and The Friends of the School to make your child’s time at Brockwell Nursery and Infant School the best it can be.
The Governing Body can be contacted through the Clerk (Mrs Pennington) via the School Office.
Register of Attendance of FGB 2023/24
When the period of office for a Governor expires, nominations / elections are organised as appropriate.
Name |
Governor Type |
Start Date | End Date | Committees | Other Governing Boards | Register of Business Interests |
Philippa Smith
Head Teacher |
Member of all committees |
No | No | |
Clare Farmer Chair of Governors |
Co-opted Governor |
17.10.18 |
10.2027 |
Finance, Pay and Personnel, School Improvement HT Performance Management |
Yes | No |
Kerry Margereson | Staff Governor |
11.05.21 |
- Health and Safety committee | No | No |
Charlotte Taylor
Co-opted Governor |
12.10.16 |
02.2027 |
Finance, Pay & Personnel Governor Development |
No | No |
Nicola Hatton |
Co-opted Governor Vice-Chair |
24.05.17 |
08.02.2027 |
Health & Safety, Governor Development |
Yes | No |
Ruth Davison
Co-opted Governor | 19.10.19 | 11.10.2027 |
School Improvement, HT Performance Management Anti Bullying |
No | No |
Steve Farnsworth
Associate Member |
07.2023 | 07.2024 |
Finance pay and Personnel |
Yes |
Karena Moore |
Associate Member |
09.10.20 | 10.2024 |
School Improvement Committee |
No |
No |
Lauren Strain |
Parent Governor |
08.12.23 | 12.2027 |
School Improvement Committee |
No |
Satinder Kainth |
Parent Governor |
08.12.23 | 12.2027 |
Health & Safety Committee |
No |
No |
Matina Rooney |
Parent Governor |
08.12.23 | 12.2027 |
Finance, Pay & Personnel |
No |
No |
Previous |
members | of | our | Governing |
Board |
Catherine Peppit |
Parent Governor | 08.12.23 |
07.11.2024 |
No Longer a member of the Governing Board |
James Longmate | Local Authority Governor | 01.03.16 | 11.09.24 |
No Longer a member of the Governing Board |
Melanie Edington Safeguarding Champion
Co-opted Governor | 01.10.14 | 12.2024 |
No Longer a member of the Governing Board |
No |
No |
Gerard Sutton |
Parent Governors | 01.02.20 | 11.2023 | No Longer a member of the governing board
No |
Charlotte Summers |
Parent Governor |
09.10.20 |
07.2023 |
No longer a member of the governing board |
No |
Kate Sheldon |
Parent Governor |
09.10.2019 |
07.2023 |
No longer member of the governing board |
No |