Groups and Courses in the Community for Parents/Grandparents/Guardians
The Power Of You group - Saturday 15th March
Monkey Park Cafe - opens 11th December
Andy's Man Club - Technique Stadium - Mondays at 7pm
Wellbeing Hub Chesterfield Library
The Natter Cafe - for the older adult
Walk With Us - Holmebrook Valley Park - Every Thursday at 10.30am. We walk for 45 minutes to one hour in Chesterfield's largest park that includes open water, woodlands and hay meadows. Please note the park has hills and some uneven paths. Meet by the cafe in park pavilion (top car park) Holmebrook Valley Park, Watermeadow Lane, Chesterfield, S41 8XP.
Walk With Us - Queens Park Buggy Walk. - Every Friday from at 10.30am. Our buggy walks are a free sociable activity for parents and carers with their baby - a great way to make new friends, explore your local area and get fit whilst having fun. Meet outside reception at Queen’s Park Sports Centre.
Tea & Toast Tuesdays - Holy Trinity Church